Yesterday afternoon we had a staff safety and security training.
We learned how to, in the event of an earthquake, do light rescue, set up a camp and entertain up to 150 distraught children.
An earthquake happening out here is a reality.
On average they get a major one every 75 years.
The last one was in 1934.
As scary as the odds seem.
(And if you google it, there are people who have worked out some pretty terrifying odds...)
I feel safe.
KISC has got an excellent security plan, well-trained staff, and above and beyond that, a great big massive God who has been faithful over the years.
If something happens, the KISC community knows what to do.
There are plans in place.
So an impending earthquake might seem like a scary thing.
But I'm not scared.
I feel wholly completely totally looked-after and cared-for here.
Plus, I'm now trained in light rescue, having helped extract a fake-body from a set-up pile of rubble on the roof of the school yesterday...!
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