Friday, July 29, 2011

When Prayers are Answered

Sometimes it's hard to trust God.
Hard to really believe He'll answer prayer.
Harder still to believe He'll answer specific prayers.
But sometimes God blows any doubt out of the water.
Sometimes He does this with some stories from other people - like at Music Camp, hearing some incredible stories of God's faithfulness.
And other times He does this by answering your prayers in totally awesome excessive goodness - more than we could have dared to hope for.

I sent out my first "prayer email" a few days ago* and one of my prayer requests was:

"I still have basically no idea of what will be expected of me here teaching-wise....
Next Thursday (4th Aug) I'll have a meeting about my job description, although this leaves me with very little planning-for-teaching time. (Term starts 8th)
So please pray that I would be calm about this..."

Hello answered prayer.

The Secondary Principal (who is also a music teacher and head of arts faculty) returned to school yesterday, and I had a quick chat with her then, and even after this I was feeling better about what I'll be teaching.

Then today I spent 2 hours with her up in the music room going over exactly what each class needs to cover in Term 1.
Slightly more than I might have bargained for in terms of information-overload...

Here's the cool bit.
Not only do I feel better about what I'll be teaching.
Not only do I feel like I can do this.
But I also am excited!
I get to properly teach music here!

I won't have tutors or other teachers looking over my shoulder.
I won't be in the Academy for some days, and Uni some days, and School others.
I won't have a teaching file to keep up to date.
I won't be teaching someone else's classes.
I won't be teaching in someone else's classroom.
I get to organise things howsoever I wish.

Granted, I will have a lot of paperwork to track and assess all my pupils, and this will be like a teaching file, but for real, but, like, I'm actually looking forward to this.
I have a teacher planner and everything!

This is it.
My first taste of full-time, proper, real, actual teaching.
And I'm not scared.
And I'm not just calm.
I'm excited.

"please pray that I would be calm about this..."
Answered. In overflow.
God is good.

*if you've missed this, then it may well just be that I couldn't find your email address...give me a shout and I'll add you onto the list to get the updates!


  1. Exciting times! Pleased to see you're so looking forward to getting stuck in.

    We are missing you lots in Port St Mary - especially in the Crunchie team - but it's worth it to know you're doing something you'll get so much out of.

    Take care; will hopefully catch you soon!

    [Auntie] Beth xx

  2. I love it when you get those moments of like "Oh, ok yeah I get it God." - like he just smacked you in the face with the answer cause you weren't listening to him in the first place.

    Sure, God is sometimes the gentle whisper, but ya know what...sometimes he is the earthquake cause otherwise we won't listen to him.
