Saturday, August 20, 2011

Things which have more legs than me. Part 2.

There are dogs everywhere in Kathmandu.
(Ironic that it's pronounced Cat-man-do...)

They are on every street, on every corner, down every lane...

No wonder the nurse and doctor at Patan clinic were so keen for me to get rabies vaccinations (of which I still have to get the third...they did not mention that it required 3 separate shots during the persuasion process).

The dogs don't seem particularly aggressive.
In fact, many of them are fairly scared of people.
And lots of them look so scruffy and mangey...
It's sad.

Daniel, one of the teachers living in the Guest House (our token male housemate), who is here from the USA with his wife, Sara, has started naming the dogs we see around here regularly.
Sara is ensuring he doesn't start feeding them and bringing them home with him...

This is the ugliest/illest dog we've come across so far.

Among all the dogs, however, I have now seen my first cat.
A couple of days ago a very thin/fairly hairless cat came into the school.

This cat, unlike the dogs, is not scared of people.
When I tried to chase it away, it tried to get further into the school.
I ended up having to actually, physically pick up the cat and remove it from the school building.

Julian is a much more manageable pet...

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