Sunday, August 28, 2011

Things which have more legs than me. Part 3.

AKA: A Trip to the Zoo

(in which all the animals apart from the snakes and fish and birds had more legs than me)

Before I came to Nepal, there was one day when I was realising it was actually happening.
I'd never been out of Europe before, and my only trip abroad was to Germany last summer.
I was starting to get a little nervous.

I looked up where KISC is on google maps, and when doing so, I saw that really close to the school is a zoo.

I LOVE the zoo.
I still get excited like a little kid about animals. Any animals. All animals.
Zoos are awesome.

And so thinking about getting to visit a zoo out here calmed me down and made me excited instead of scared.

And today I did it.
I went to the zoo in Kathmandu.

It was a LOT of fun.
And not as run-down as some websites had made out it would be.

They had loads of animals: a tiger, leopards, rhinos, various kinds of deer, various kinds of colourful birds, AN ELEPHANT WHICH I RODE ON, guinea pigs, bears, a python, turtles, fish, a big old tortoise...
A really good variety.

The big cats were in fairly small enclosures, though, which was really sad.
And the elephant we rode on is surely fed up of giving rides to people all day long...

But it was a good trip.
We had lots of fun talking to the animals, much to the amusement of the Nepali people (who, due to their education system, are unlikely to really have the imagination to do things like that - to make up stories about animals just for the fun of it...)

And we played the pretending-you-can-see-something-in-an-empty-enclosure game. Tricked a group of guys to look where we were looking.

Good times all round.

Plus, I've now ridden on an elephant.

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